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What can I do with IGEP0020

19 bytes added, 14:52, 7 March 2012
no edit summary
| bgcolor="#cccccc" |'''Overview'''
| Use: aplay sample.wav
The amplifiers for the headset output are disabled by default, so the first thing you'll do is enable these amplifiers with :
amixer set -D hw:0 'Headset' 0dB
amixer set -D hw:0 'HeadsetR Mixer AudioR2' on
Then you can easily play a *.wav soundwith the application Aplay, for example :
aplay sample.wav
| bgcolor="#cccccc" |'''Overview'''
| Use: arecord -t wav -c 2 -r 44100 -f S16_LE -v audio-in.wav
You can record audio in with the application Arecord, for example:
arecord -t wav -c 2 -r 44100 -f S16_LE -v audio-in.wav
Following output is expected on console :
Recording WAVE 'audio-in.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
boundary  : 1073741824
When ever you think you want to stop recording just press CTRL+C