How to use IGEP DSP framework


This version only supports IGEP0020-Rb board series with 512MB Ram

Prerequisites before start

You should download first these packages:

Warning icon.png A user reported that this page might contain some broken, wrong or missing links to external pages.

Thank you for your patience as it is being fixed.

  1. IGEPv2 Developer Virtual Machine last Release 200912222 (
  2. TI Code Generation tools version 6.00.16 (
  3. TI Bios version 5.33.06 (
  4. TI XDCtools version (


  • Points 1 (You must be a registered user in ISEE website
  • Points 2,3,4 (You must be a registered user in a TI website

What's included in this release?

  • biosutils -> version 1.01.00
  • codec engine -> version 2.22
  • cg_xml -> version 2.12.00
  • dsplink -> version 1.61
  • framework components -> version 2.21
  • linuxutils -> version 2.22.01
  • local power manager -> version 1.22
  • xdais -> version 6.22.01
  • igep_codec_engine -> version 1.00

How to Install

1) Install the ISEE virtual machine.

Please read the software manual for install it and use it.

2) Create the workspace directory inside the user home directory (jdoe)

$ cd /home/jdoe $ mkdir workspace

3) Download kernel sources IGEP Kernel 2.6.28-1, and put it inside the workspace directory and untar.

$ cd /home/jdoe/workspace 

$ wget

$ tar xzf linux-omap-[kernel version].tar.gz

If you wish to know more about how to compile the kernel read ISEE wiki howto: How To Cross Compile The Linux Kernel

4) Create symbolic links:

$ cd /home/jdoe/workspace 

$ ln -s linux-omap- linux-omap-2.6-stable 

$ ls -al 

drwxr-xr-x 22 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-11-09 11:52 linux-omap- 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 jdoe jdoe    32 2009-12-22 19:42 linux-omap-2.6-stable -> linux-omap-

5) Install TI Code Generation tools, TI Bios and TI XDCTools.

5.1) Create the destination directory /usr/local/ti

$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/ti

5.2) Install every package using console mode:

$ chmod +x bios_setuplinux_5_33_06.bin 

$ sudo ./bios_setuplinux_5_33_06.bin --mode console

$ chmod +x ti_cgt_c6000_6.0.16_setup_linux_x86.bin 

$ sudo ./ti_cgt_c6000_6.0.16_setup_linux_x86.bin

$ chmod +x xdctools_setuplinux_3_15_01_59.bin 

$ sudo ./xdctools_setuplinux_3_15_01_59.bin

5.3) Accept the license (Y/N).

5.4) Select /usr/local/ti as destination directory.

5.5) Create the symbolic links.

$ cd /usr/local/ti $ sudo ln -s C6000CGT6.0.16 cg6x 

$ sudo ln -s bios_5_33_06 bios 

$ sudo ln -s xdctools_3_15_01_59 xdctools

jdoe@ubuntu:/usr/local/ti$ ls -al 

total 20 

drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 2009-12-17 15:10 . 

drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 2009-12-17 15:13 .. 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   13 2009-10-25 21:28 bios -> bios_5_33_06/ 

drwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 2009-10-25 18:57 bios_5_33_06 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   12 2009-12-17 15:10 cg6x -> C6000CGT6.0.16/ 

drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 2009-10-25 19:02 C6000CGT6.0.16 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root   20 2009-10-25 21:29 xdctools -> xdctools_3_15_01_59/ 

drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 2009-10-25 19:05 xdctools_3_15_01_59

6) Untar this package inside the workspace directory.

$ tar xzf igep-dsp-1_1.tgz 

$ cd igep-dsp-1_1 

$ pwd  home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1 

$ ls -al 

total 136 

drwxr-xr-x 12 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-23 19:12 . 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-24 11:20 .. 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 13:58 biosutils 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 15:03 ce 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-18 13:39 cg_xml 

drwxr-xr-x  2 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 15:53 dist 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 12:28 dsplink 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 15:16 fc 

drwxr-xr-x  3 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-23 19:07 igep_codec_engine 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-18 14:12 linuxutils 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 15:49 lpm 

-rw-r--r--  1 jdoe jdoe 83419 2009-12-18 19:02 readme.txt 

drwxr-xr-x  4 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-15 15:19 xdais

What is included inside IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00

IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00, is provided in source code and compiled for ARM and DSP C64+. In this release we included ad fft demo calculation using the DSP.


How to play

Copy all required libraries inside the IGEP0020-RB board. In the root directory we included the dist directory with:

jdoe@ubuntu:~/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/dist$ ls -al total 24 

drwxr-xr-x  2 jdoe jdoe 4096 2009-12-15 15:53 . 

drwxr-xr-x 13 jdoe jdoe 4096 2009-12-18 17:49 .. 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 jdoe jdoe   84 2009-12-15 15:52 cmemk.ko -> ../linuxutils/linuxutils_2_22_01/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/src/module/cmemk.ko 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 jdoe jdoe   55 2009-12-15 15:41 dsplinkk.ko -> ../dsplink/dsplink_1_61/dsplink/kbuild_make/dsplinkk.ko 

-rwxr-xr-x  1 jdoe jdoe 1786 2009-12-15 15:53 -> ../dist/ 

lrwxrwxrwx  1 jdoe jdoe   91 2009-12-15 15:50 lpm_omap3530.ko -> ../lpm/local_power_manager_1_22/packages/ti/bios/power/modules/omap3530/lpm/lpm_omap3530.ko 

-r-xr-xr-x  1 jdoe jdoe 1696 2009-12-15 15:53 -> ../dist/

Copy all files inside the board, for example in /home/root/demo

$ scp * root@192.168.x.x:/home/root/demo

Copy all demo files required:


$ ls -al 

total 40 

drwxr-xr-x 2 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-18 17:54 . 

drwxr-xr-x 6 jdoe jdoe  4096 2009-12-18 17:45 .. 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdoe jdoe    48 2009-12-17 17:32 demo_server.x64P -> ../IGEP_Dsp/servers/demo_server/demo_server.x64P 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdoe jdoe    48 2009-12-18 17:28 igep_core -> ../IGEP_Platform/igep_core/bin/Release/igep_core 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdoe jdoe    39 2009-12-18 17:28 igep.xml -> ../IGEP_Platform/igep_core/etc/igep.xml 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdoe jdoe    48 2009-12-17 17:23 -> ../IGEP_Platform/CE_subsystem/ 

lrwxrwxrwx 1 jdoe jdoe    63 2009-12-17 17:23 -> ../IGEP_Platform/libigep_cEngine/bin/Release/ 

-rw-r--r-- 1 jdoe jdoe 25372 2009-12-18 16:23 V15D05002A00.txt

$ scp * root@

Enter inside the board using a serial console or ssh terminal:

jdoe@ubuntu:~$ ssh root@ root@'s 


root@igep0020a:~# cd demo/ 

root@igep0020a:~/demo# ls -al 

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Dec 18  2009 . 

drwxr-xr-x   22 root     root         4096 Dec 17  2009 .. 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        25372 Dec 18  2009 V15D05002A00.txt 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       143534 Dec 17  2009 cmemk.ko 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1003149 Dec 18  2009 demo_server.x64P 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1215844 Dec 17  2009 dsplinkk.ko 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          351 Dec 18  2009 igep.xml 

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       524232 Dec 17  2009 igep_core 

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       297242 Dec 18  2009 

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        40982 Dec 18  2009 

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1786 Dec 17  2009 

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       114395 Dec 17  2009 lpm_omap3530.ko 

-r-xr-xr-x    1 root     root         1696 Dec 17  2009 

 ---- IMPORTANT note: You must modify your uboot configuration for asign the max memory for linux and dsp use, this is the default configuration:
U-Boot 2009.08-0-dirty (Sep 22 2009 - 13:31:59)
 OMAP3530-GP ES3.1, CPU-OPP2 L3-165MHz
 DRAM:  512 MB
 Muxed OneNAND(DDP) 512MB 1.8V 16-bit (0x58)
 OneNAND version = 0x0031
 Chip support all block unlock
 Chip has 2 plane
 Scanning device for bad blocks
 OneNAND: 512 MB
 In:    serial
 Out:   serial
 Err:   serial
 Die ID #6be8000400000000040365fa1402400f
 Net:   smc911x-0
 Warning: smc911x-0 MAC addresses don't match:
 Address in SROM is         ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 Address in environment is  ac:de:48:00:02:54
 Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
 U-Boot # printenv
 addip=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}::eth0:
 cpufreq-720Mhz=mw 0x48004940 0x12d00c
 mmc-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait 
 mmc-boot=mmc init 0; if fatload mmc 0 80000000 boot.ini; then source; else if fatload mmc 0 80000000 uImage; then run mmc-bootargs; bootm; fi; fi
 onenand-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=jffs2 ; run addip
 onenand-boot=run onenand-bootargs; onenand read 80000000 280000 400000 ; bootm 80000000
 nfs-bootargs=setenv bootargs ${bootargs-base} root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=${serverip}:/srv/nfs/${distro}/${project}/${machine} ; run addip
 nfs-boot=if ping ${serverip}; then run nfs-bootargs; tftp 0x80000000 ${distro}/${project}/${machine}/uImage; bootm; fi;
 bootcmd=run cpufreq-720Mhz; run mmc-boot; run nfs-boot; run onenand-boot
 bootargs-base=mem=512M console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-16@60
 Environment size: 1225/131068 bytes
 U-Boot #

---> You should change the memory for linux from 512M to 442M:

U-Boot # setenv bootargs-base 'mem=442M console=ttyS2,115200n8 console=tty0 omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x768MR-16@60'

It asign 442 MB Ram to Linux and 70 MB left free for Shared Memory and Dsp Memory.

Load the modules using the provided script

root@igep0020a:~/demo# ./

Now you can execute the demo provided:

root@igep0020a:~/demo# ./igep_core -c igep.xml 
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.0794]Igep Core Version: Build: 48 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.1587](MAIN)Application Create
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.2014](MAIN)Application Created
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.2594](MAIN)Application Signal Handled
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.3082](MAIN)Command Line Parsed
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.3510](MAIN)Application -> RUN
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.3876](TApplication:asINITIALIZE) -- Initialize --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.18402](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)Parse XML Configuration - Start
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.19043](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration) --- DLL Load and Check Stage ---
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.20325](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)DLL found: <./> ready for load
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.20844](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)Parse XML Configuration - Terminated
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.21515](TApplication:asCREATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS) -- Create system objects --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.21942](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x1> (TAppEvent)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.22400](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x4> (TTimerController)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.22858](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x2> (TDllServer)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.23255](TApplication:asINITIALIZE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS) -- Initialize system objects --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.23682](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <TAppEvent> priority: <100>--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.24109](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.24628](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.24964](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <TTimerController> priority: <300>--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.25543](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.25940](TApplication:asCREATE_USER_OBJECTS) -- Create user objects --
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.28931](<u>dll_Initialize:</u>dll_Initialize)LibIgep_cEngine Version: Build: 1 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.29541](TApplication:I_Register_User_Object) -- Register Automatic Object(1610612736): TIGEP_CodecEngine --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.30182](TApplication:I_Register_User_Object) -- Register Automatic Object(1610612737): Object0 --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.30670](TApplication:CreateUserObjects) -- [./] Load DLL OK
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.31037](TApplication:asINITIALIZE_USER_OBJECTS) -- Initialize user objects --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.31464](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.31799](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Load ./ library
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.39673](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Library ./ Loaded
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.40375](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Map Interface from ./ Completed
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.186157](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Initialize library ./ Complete
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.186707](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Register Codec codec_demo
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.187195](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.187622](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: Object0 --
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.188019](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <Object0> priority: <5000>--
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.232300](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:Initialize)load V15D05002A00.txt sample file with 2049 total samples
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.232941](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: Object0 [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.233460](TApplication)Application READY and RUNNING
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.241974](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)start fSyncProcess
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.861389](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)end fSyncProcess
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.862549](TApplication:I_Terminate) -- Terminate ((TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)Terminated.)--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.863861](TApplication:Exception)Finalize user objects
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.864502](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <Object0> priority: <5000>--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.865021](TApplication:FinalizeUserObjects) -- Finalize Object: Object0 [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.944641](TApplication:FinalizeUserObjects) -- Finalize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.944855](TApplication:Exception)Finalize system objects
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945007](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <TTimerController> priority: <300>--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945191](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][INFO][0000.945343](__dll_Finalize:Finalize)LibIgep_cEngine Version: Build: 1 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945496](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945618](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <TAppEvent> priority: <100>--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945770](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.945892](TApplication:Exception)Destroy User objects
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.948181](TApplication:DestroyUserObjects) -- Destroy Object: Object0 [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.948395](TApplication:DestroyUserObjects) -- Destroy Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.948548](TApplication:Exception)Destroy system objects
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.948670](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.948975](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.949127](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.949280](TApplication:Exception)Finalize TApplication
 [igep_core][1321][DEBUG][0000.949982](MAIN)Application Free Resources

Our you can execute with debug traces, set the variable CE_DEBUG to (MIN) 1,2 or 3 (MAX):

root@igep0020a:~/demo# export CE_DEBUG=3
 root@igep0020a:~/demo# ./igep_core -c igep.xml 
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.0824]Igep Core Version: Build: 48 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.1617](MAIN)Application Create
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.2106](MAIN)Application Created
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.2685](MAIN)Application Signal Handled
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.3296](MAIN)Command Line Parsed
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.3723](MAIN)Application -> RUN
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.4089](TApplication:asINITIALIZE) -- Initialize --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.92651](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)Parse XML Configuration - Start
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.93414](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration) --- DLL Load and Check Stage ---
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.94543](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)DLL found: <./> ready for load
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.95001](TApplication:Load_My_Configuration)Parse XML Configuration - Terminated
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.95642](TApplication:asCREATE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS) -- Create system objects --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.96069](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x1> (TAppEvent)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.96649](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x4> (TTimerController)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.97076](TApplication:CreateSystemObjects)Create System Object: <0x2> (TDllServer)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.97473](TApplication:asINITIALIZE_SYSTEM_OBJECTS) -- Initialize system objects --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.97900](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <TAppEvent> priority: <100>--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.98327](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.98755](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.99151](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <TTimerController> priority: <300>--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.99731](TApplication:InitializeSystemObjects) -- Initialize Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.100097](TApplication:asCREATE_USER_OBJECTS) -- Create user objects --
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.102936](<u>dll_Initialize:</u>dll_Initialize)LibIgep_cEngine Version: Build: 1 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.103546](TApplication:I_Register_User_Object) -- Register Automatic Object(1610612736): TIGEP_CodecEngine --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.104034](TApplication:I_Register_User_Object) -- Register Automatic Object(1610612737): Object0 --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.104584](TApplication:CreateUserObjects) -- [./] Load DLL OK
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.104980](TApplication:asINITIALIZE_USER_OBJECTS) -- Initialize user objects --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.105347](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.105743](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Load ./ library
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.113525](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Library ./ Loaded
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.114227](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Map Interface from ./ Completed
 @0,520,080us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG - Global_init> This program was built with the following packages:
 @0,520,385us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package gnu.targets.arm.rtsv5T (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/gnu/targets/arm/rtsv5T/) [1, 0, 0, 0]
 @0,520,751us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/global/) [1, 0, 0]
 @0,521,057us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package dsplink.gpp (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/dsplink/dsplink_1_61/dsplink/gpp/) [5, 0, 0]
 @0,521,301us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.linuxutils.cmem (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/linuxutils/linuxutils_2_22_01/packages/ti/sdo/linuxutils/cmem/) [2, 2, 0]
 @0,521,636us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.bios.power (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/lpm/local_power_manager_1_22/packages/ti/bios/power/) [1, 1, 1]
 @0,521,911us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package gnu.targets (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/gnu/targets/) [1, 0, 1]
 @0,522,186us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package gnu.targets.arm (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/gnu/targets/arm/) [1, 0, 0, 0]
 @0,522,460us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.utils.trace (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/utils/trace/) [1, 0, 0]
 @0,522,766us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/xdais/xdais_6_22_01/packages/ti/xdais/dm/) [1, 0, 5]
 @0,523,040us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.xdais (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/xdais/xdais_6_22_01/packages/ti/xdais/) [1, 2.0, 1]
 @0,523,315us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.utils.xdm (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/utils/xdm/) [1, 0, 2]
 @0,523,559us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.fc.dman3 (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/fc/dman3/) [1, 0, 4]
 @0,523,895us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.fc.acpy3 (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/fc/acpy3/) [1, 0, 4]
 @0,524,169us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.catalog.arm (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/arm/) [1, 0, 1, 0]
 @0,524,414us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.catalog (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/) [1, 0, 0]
 @0,524,627us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.catalog.c6000 (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/c6000/) [1, 0, 0, 0]
 @0,524,871us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.platforms.evm3530 (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/platforms/evm3530/) [1, 0, 0]
 @0,525,207us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.osal (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/osal/) [2, 0, 2]
 @0,525,482us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.osal.linux (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/osal/linux/) [2, 0, 1]
 @0,525,756us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.ipc (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipc/) [2, 0, 1]
 @0,526,031us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipc/dsplink/) [2, 0, 1]
 @0,526,214us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.alg (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/alg/) [1, 0, 1]
 @0,526,428us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/) [1, 0, 6]
 @0,526,611us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/video/) [1, 0, 3]
 @0,526,794us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/igep_codec_engine/IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00/IGEP_Dsp/codecs/codec_demo/) [1, 0, 0]
 @0,526,977us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.bioslog (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/bioslog/) [1, 0, 1]
 @0,527,160us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.utils.trace (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/utils/trace/) [1, 0, 1]
 @0,527,374us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] OG -     package CE_Subsystem (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/igep_codec_engine/IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00/IGEP_Platform/CE_subsystem/CE_Subsystem/) []
 @0,527,923us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb3900)
 @0,528,198us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb2d4c)
 @0,528,503us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,528,717us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77370)
 @0,529,113us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb0c7c)
 @0,529,449us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,529,785us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x773c0)
 @0,529,998us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adafba4)
 @0,530,273us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb23b0)
 @0,530,517us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Sem_create> count: 0
 @0,530,822us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x14)
 @0,531,036us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77440)
 @0,531,310us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_create> sem[0x77440]
 @0,531,524us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Sem_create> count: 0
 @0,531,829us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x14)
 @0,532,043us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77458)
 @0,532,287us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_create> sem[0x77458]
 @0,532,562us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,532,745us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77470)
 @0,533,050us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OT - Thread_create> Enter (fxn=0x3adadddc, attrs=0x0)
 @0,533,325us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa54] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x64)
 @0,533,569us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa54] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77490)
 @0,534,210us: [+1 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - daemon> thread created.
 @0,534,271us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Enter (proc=0x3b5dcdd8)
 @0,534,301us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @0,534,667us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OT - Thread_create> Exit (task=0x77490)
 @0,535,003us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adaf2c0)
 @0,535,278us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adad7cc)
 @0,535,522us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb0074)
 @0,535,797us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] ti.sdo.ce.alg - ALG_init> Enter
 @0,536,010us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adad418)
 @0,536,254us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] ti.sdo.ce.alg - ALG_init> Exit
 @0,536,437us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adac844)
 @0,536,682us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,536,895us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x776a8)
 @0,537,109us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3adb28a0)
 @0,537,322us: [+6 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] CE - Engine_init> CE debugging on (CE_DEBUG=3; allowed CE_DEBUG levels: 1=min, 2=good, 3=max)
 @0,537,506us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3ada9cd8)
 @0,537,689us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,537,872us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x776e8)
 @0,538,024us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,538,207us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77708)
 @0,538,360us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x18)
 @0,538,543us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77728)
 @0,538,726us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] CS - Server_init()
 @0,538,909us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] CS - Server_init> Global_useLinkArbiter = 0
 @0,539,062us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faa4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3ada7fb8)
 @0,539,337us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OG - Global_atexit> enter (fxn=0x3ada6994)
 @0,539,520us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - Engine_open> Enter('codec_demo', 0x0, 0xaeb6faf4)
 @0,539,672us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x2c)
 @0,539,825us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x777a8)
 @0,539,977us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - rserverOpen('demo_server.x64P'), count = 0
 @0,540,130us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OP - Processor_create> Enter(imageName='demo_server.x64P', linkCfg='(null)', attrs=0xaeb6fad8)
 @0,652,435us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa14] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x24)
 @0,652,801us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa14] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x777d8)
 @0,653,045us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa0c] OP - doCmd> Enter (cmdId=1, proc=0x777d8)
 @0,653,350us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9fc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @0,653,655us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] status[0]
 @0,653,717us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Exit (result=1)
 @0,653,747us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Enter(proc=0x777d8)
 @0,653,778us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_on> Enter(handle=0x777f4)
 @0,653,808us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_on> Opening Local Power Manager for the DSP on /dev/lpm0...
 @0,653,900us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_on> Turning on DSP power...
 @0,654,113us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_on> return (0)
 @0,654,144us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Initializing DSP PROC...
 @0,654,174us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Using DspLink config data for entry #0 [server 'demo_server.x64P']
 @0,654,235us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x1f8)
 @0,654,266us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77838)
 @0,654,296us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #0 to Link configuration: name='DDR2', startAddress=0x9ea00000, sizeInBytes=0x1000000, shared=1, syncd=0
 @0,654,357us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #1 to Link configuration: name='DSPLINKMEM', startAddress=0x9fa00000, sizeInBytes=0x100000, shared=1, syncd=0
 @0,654,388us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #2 to Link configuration: name='RESET_VECTOR', startAddress=0x9fe00000, sizeInBytes=0x1000, shared=1, syncd=0
 @0,654,449us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #3 to Link configuration: name='L4PER', startAddress=0x49000000, sizeInBytes=0x100000, shared=0, syncd=0
 @0,654,479us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #4 to Link configuration: name='IRAM', startAddress=0x5c7f8000, sizeInBytes=0x8000, shared=1, syncd=0
 @0,654,540us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #5 to Link configuration: name='L1DSRAM', startAddress=0x5cf04000, sizeInBytes=0xc000, shared=1, syncd=0
 @0,654,571us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #6 to Link configuration: name='DDRALGHEAP', startAddress=0x9ca00000, sizeInBytes=0x2000000, shared=0, syncd=0
 @0,654,632us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #7 to Link configuration: name='L4CORE', startAddress=0x48000000, sizeInBytes=0x1000000, shared=0, syncd=0
 @0,654,663us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Found 'CMEM' entry, adjusting base and size according to CMEM_getBlock()
 @0,654,754us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Setting CMEM base to 0x9ba00000, size to 0x1000000
 @0,654,785us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Adding DSP segment #8 to Link configuration: name='CMEM', startAddress=0x9ba00000, sizeInBytes=0x1000000, shared=0, syncd=0
 @0,654,846us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> DODSPCTRL was=0; now=0
 @0,674,011us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Attaching to DSP PROC...
 @0,703,887us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa0c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @0,704,345us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9ec] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @0,752,777us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Opening MSGQ pool...
 @0,756,378us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Loading demo_server.x64P on DSP (1 args)...
 @0,792,053us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Starting DSP PROC...
 @0,799,011us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> Opening remote transport...
 @0,802,886us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_connect> Enter (handle=0x77800)
 @0,803,375us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_connect> Calling LPM_connect to connect to the DSP power handler...
 @0,804,565us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_connect> return (0)
 @0,805,175us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_create_d> return (1)
 @0,805,450us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd34] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77458]
 @0,805,755us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9ec] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] status[0]
 @0,805,816us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa0c] OP - doCmd> Exit (result=1)
 @0,805,847us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OP - Processor_create> return (0x777d8)
 @0,805,938us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - rserverOpen('demo_server.x64P'): 0x3addca8c done.
 @0,805,969us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x28)
 @0,805,999us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77b88)
 @0,806,060us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa3c] OC - Comm_create> Enter(queueName='codec_demo_1328_0', queue=0x777b8, attrs=0x0)
 @0,806,091us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa24] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x4)
 @0,806,152us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa24] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77bb8)
 @0,811,004us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa3c] OC - Comm_create> return (0x77bb8)
 @0,811,126us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa44] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77b88, 0x28)
 @0,811,157us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa44] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @0,811,187us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa44] OC - Comm_alloc> Enter(poolId=0x0, msg=0x777c4, size=576)
 @0,811,279us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa44] OC - Comm_alloc> msg=0x3bded880, returning (0)
 @0,811,309us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OC - Comm_locate> Enter(queueName='rmsq', queue=0x777b4)
 @0,815,216us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OC - Comm_locate> return (0)
 @0,815,704us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - checkServer(0x777a8)
 @0,816,040us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa34] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,816,375us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa34] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,816,711us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6faf0, timeout=-1)
 @0,817,016us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa2c] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @0,817,077us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - rmsInit> RMS initialized(0x777a8); CE_DEBUG on, setting DSP trace mask to *+01234567,GT_prefix=12345,GT_time=3
 @0,817,169us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa3c] CE - Engine_setTrace> Enter(engine=0x777a8, mask='*+01234567,GT_prefix=12345,GT_time=3')
 @0,817,260us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa3c] CE - Engine_setTrace> Requesting DSP set trace ...
 @0,817,321us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa0c] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,817,352us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa0c] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,817,413us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa04] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6faa4, timeout=-1)
 @0,817,840us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_post> sem[0x77458]
 @0,818,084us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Enter (proc=0x3b5dcdd8)
 @0,818,359us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @0,819,793us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa04] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @0,819,854us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa3c] CE - Engine_setTrace> return(0)
 @0,819,915us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9cc] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,819,946us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9cc] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,820,007us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9c4] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6fa84, timeout=-1)
 @0,820,404us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9c4] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 [DSP] @0x00000180:[T:0x00000000] IGEP_Dsp.servers.demo_server - main> Welcome to DSP Demo server's main().
 [DSP] @0,026,008tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG - Global_setSpecialTrace> enter(mask='*+01234567,GT_prefix=12345,GT_time=3')
 [DSP] @0,026,101tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG - Global_setSpecialTrace> This program was built with the following packages:
 [DSP] @0,026,179tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.targets.rts6000 (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/targets/rts6000/) [1, 0, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,026,273tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.fc.dman3 (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/fc/dman3/) [1, 0, 4]
 [DSP] @0,026,375tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/global/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,026,475tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/xdais/xdais_6_22_01/packages/ti/xdais/dm/) [1, 0, 5]
 [DSP] @0,026,570tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.xdais (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/xdais/xdais_6_22_01/packages/ti/xdais/) [1, 2.0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,026,662tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.node (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/node/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,026,760tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.ipc.dsplink.dsp (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipc/dsplink/dsp/) [2, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,026,869tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.utils.trace (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/utils/trace/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,026,974tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.utils.xdm (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/utils/xdm/) [1, 0, 2]
 [DSP] @0,027,077tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.fc.acpy3 (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/fc/acpy3/) [1, 0, 4]
 [DSP] @0,027,179tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package dsplink.dsp (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/dsplink/dsplink_1_61/dsplink/dsp/) [1, 4, 0]
 [DSP] @0,027,270tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.rtdx (/usr/local/ti/bios_5_33_06/packages/ti/rtdx/) [2, 0, 0, 4]
 [DSP] @0,027,349tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.psl (/usr/local/ti/bios_5_33_06/packages/ti/psl/) [5, 0, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,027,427tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.pmi (/usr/local/ti/bios_5_33_06/packages/ti/pmi/) [0, 0, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,027,510tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.bios (/usr/local/ti/bios_5_33_06/packages/ti/bios/) [5, 2, 5, 16]
 [DSP] @0,027,590tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.fc.dskt2 (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/fc/framework_components_2_21/packages/ti/sdo/fc/dskt2/) [1, 0, 4]
 [DSP] @0,027,692tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.bios.utils (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/biosutils/biosutils_1_01_00/packages/ti/bios/utils/) [2, 0, 2, 01]
 [DSP] @0,027,795tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.catalog.c6000 (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/c6000/) [1, 0, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,027,886tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.catalog (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,027,969tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.catalog.arm (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/catalog/arm/) [1, 0, 1, 0]
 [DSP] @0,028,059tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.platforms.evm3530 (/usr/local/ti/xdctools_3_15_01_59/packages/ti/platforms/evm3530/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,028,152tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.osal (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/osal/) [2, 0, 2]
 [DSP] @0,028,250tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.osal.bios (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packa@0,829,132us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9cc] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,829,467us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9cc] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,829,833us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9c4] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6fa84, timeout=-1)
 @0,830,108us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9c4] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 ges/ti/sdo/ce/osal/bios/) [2, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,028,352tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.ipc (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipc/) [2, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,028,450tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.ipc.bios (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/ipc/bios/) [2, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,028,552tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.alg (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/alg/) [1, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,028,648tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/) [1, 0, 6]
 [DSP] @0,028,742tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package ti.sdo.ce.bioslog (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/bioslog/) [1, 0, 1]
 [DSP] @0,028,842tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/ce/codec_engine_2_22/packages/ti/sdo/ce/video/) [1, 0, 3]
 [DSP] @0,028,941tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/igep_codec_engine/IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00/IGEP_Dsp/codecs/codec_demo/) [1, 0, 0]
 [DSP] @0,029,055tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG -     package demo_server (/home/jdoe/workspace/igep-dsp-1_1/igep_codec_engine/IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00/IGEP_Dsp/servers/demo_server/demo_server/) []
 [DSP] @0,029,165tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] OG - Global_setSpecialTrace> return
 [DSP] @0,029,629tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 5
 [DSP] @0,029,699tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - remote time = 0x0, trace buffer size = 4032
 [DSP] @0,042,973tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 5
 [DSP] @0,043,042tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - remote time = 0x0, trace buffer size = 4032
 @0,835,662us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f9fc] CE - Engine_fwriteTrace> returning count [6167]
 @0,835,906us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] CE - Engine_open> return(489384)
 @0,836,242us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] - VIDENC_create> Enter (engine=0x777a8, name='codec_demo', params=0x0)
 @0,836,486us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] CV - VISA_create(0x777a8, 'codec_demo', 0x0, 0x828, '')
 @0,836,547us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f94c] CV - VISA_create2(0x777a8, 'codec_demo', 0x0, 0x0, 0x828, '')
 @0,836,608us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f934] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x30)
 @0,836,639us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f934] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77c18)
 @0,836,669us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8d4] CE - Engine_createNode(0x777a8, 'codec_demo', 828, 0x0, 0x0, 0xaeb6fa64)
 @0,836,730us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8d4] CE - Engine> allocNode Enter(engine=0x777a8, impId='codec_demo')
 @0,836,761us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8bc] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x20)
 @0,836,791us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8bc] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77c50)
 @0,836,853us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8d4] CE - Engine> allocNode(). Calling Comm_create(gppfromnode_1328_1, 0x77c58, NULL)
 @0,836,883us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_create> Enter(queueName='gppfromnode_1328_1', queue=0x77c58, attrs=0x0)
 @0,836,914us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f894] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x4)
 @0,836,944us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f894] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77c78)
 @0,842,071us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_create> return (0x77c78)
 @0,842,376us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8b4] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,842,620us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8b4] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,842,834us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6f97c, timeout=-1)
 @0,844,726us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @0,844,970us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8b4] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,845,275us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8b4] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,845,550us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6f97c, timeout=-1)
 @0,845,794us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8ac] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @0,846,008us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8d4] CE - Engine_createNode> created node(stdIn=0x2, stdOut=0x10001, msgq=0x77c78, algName='codec_demo', rmsNode=0x9ea015b8, algHandle=0x9ea01698)
 @0,846,282us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f83c] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @0,846,588us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f83c] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @0,846,862us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f834] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6f8f4, timeout=-1)
 @0,847,106us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f834] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 [DSP] @0,061,506tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 0
 [DSP] @0,061,578tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009b4] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x18)
 [DSP] @0,061,639tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009b4] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea015b8)
 [DSP] @0,061,701tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009b4] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0xd)
 [DSP] @0,061,760tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009b4] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea015d0)
 [DSP] @0,061,825tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0097c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x20)
 [DSP] @0,061,882tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0097c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea015e0)
 [DSP] @0,061,942tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0094c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x24)
 [DSP] @0,061,999tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0094c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea01600)
 [DSP] @0,062,083tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00964] - VIDENC_create> Enter (engine=0x0, name='codec_demo', params=0x0)
 [DSP] @0,062,175tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0092c] CV - VISA_create(0x0, 'codec_demo', 0x0, 0x828, '')
 [DSP] @0,062,258tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0081c] CV - VISA_create2(0x0, 'codec_demo', 0x0, 0x0, 0x828, '')
 [DSP] @0,062,348tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007b4] CE - Engine_open> Enter('local', 0x9ea0080c, 0x33c)
 [DSP] @0,062,417tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00794] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x2c)
 [DSP] @0,062,475tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00794] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea01668)
 [DSP] @0,062,541tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007b4] CE - Engine_open> return(-1633675672)
 [DSP] @0,062,610tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007fc] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x30)
 [DSP] @0,062,666tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007fc] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea01698)
 [DSP] @0,062,728tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007d4] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_create> Enter(fxns=0x9ea70dbc, idma3Fxns=0x9ea70df0, iresFxns=0x0, params=0x0, attrs=0x9ea00920)
 [DSP] @0,062,847tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007b4] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(size=0x10)
 [DSP] @0,062,904tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007b4] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @0,063,012tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00744] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_alloc(0x0, 0x9ea007c8, 0x9ea01a48)
 [DSP] @0,063,118tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0074c] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_initObj(0x9ca00708, 0x9ea01a48, 0x0, 0x0)
 [DSP] @0,063,215tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0076c] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_dmaGetChannels(0x9ca00708, 0x9ca00710)
 [DSP] @0,063,320tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0076c] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_dmaGetChannels(0x9ca00708, 0x9ca00710)
 [DSP] @0,063,478tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0076c] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_dmaInit(0x9ca00708, 0x9ca00710)
 [DSP] @0,063,561tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea007d4] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_create> return (0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @0,063,634tk: [+5 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea0081c] CV - VISA_create> local codec created (name='codec_demo', handle=0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @0,063,714tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00964] - VIDENC_create> return (0x9ea01698)
 [DSP] @0,063,790tk: [+4 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00924] OT - Thread_create > name: "codec_demo#0", pri:  -1, stack size:  9216, stack seg: 0
 [DSP] @0,065,241tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 1
 [DSP] @0,067,064tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 5
 [DSP] @0,067,130tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - remote time = 0x0, trace buffer size = 4032
 @0,857,543us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f86c] CE - Engine_fwriteTrace> returning count [3536]
 @0,857,818us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8d4] CE - Engine_createNode> Returning 0x77c50
 @0,858,062us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f934] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x4)
 @0,858,337us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f934] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x77c88)
 @0,858,551us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f92c] OC - Comm_alloc> Enter(poolId=0x0, msg=0x77c88, size=828)
 @0,858,795us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f92c] OC - Comm_alloc> msg=0x3bdee880, returning (0)
 @0,859,100us: [+5 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f94c] CV - VISA_create> remote codec created (name='codec_demo', localQueueID=0x10001, remoteQueueID=0x0002)
 @0,859,405us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] - VIDENC_create> return (0x77c18)
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.454590](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Initialize library ./ Complete
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.455108](TIGEP_CodecEngine:Initialize)Register Codec codec_demo
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.455505](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.455963](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: Object0 --
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.456329](TApplication:I_Register_Executable_Object)Register Executable Object <Object0> priority: <5000>--
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0000.607666](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:Initialize)load V15D05002A00.txt sample file with 2049 total samples
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.608307](TApplication:InitializeUserObjects) -- Initialize Object: Object0 [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.608826](TApplication)Application READY and RUNNING
 @1,014,404us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> Enter(size=122880, align=-1, cached=FALSE, heap=FALSE)
 @1,015,350us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_alloc(122880) = 0x3be5e000.
 @1,015,685us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_getPhys(0x3be5e000) = 0x9c9ac000.
 @1,016,021us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be5e000, size=122880, physAddr=0x9c9ac000)
 @1,016,265us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> creating new contigBuf object
 @1,016,540us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x10)
 @1,016,784us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9bd18)
 @1,016,998us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> returning: cb->phys=0x9c9ac000, cb->size=122880, cb->virt=0x3be5e000
 @1,017,333us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> return (0x3be5e000)
 @1,017,639us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> Enter(size=122880, align=-1, cached=FALSE, heap=FALSE)
 @1,018,310us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_alloc(122880) = 0x3be7e000.
 @1,018,615us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> CMEM_getPhys(0x3be7e000) = 0x9c9cc000.
 @1,018,859us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be7e000, size=122880, physAddr=0x9c9cc000)
 @1,019,195us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> creating new contigBuf object
 @1,019,409us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> Enter(0x10)
 @1,019,683us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa4c] OM - Memory_alloc> return (0x9bd30)
 @1,019,897us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory__addContigBuf> returning: cb->phys=0x9c9cc000, cb->size=122880, cb->virt=0x3be7e000
 @1,020,141us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] OM - Memory_contigAlloc> return (0x3be7e000)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0000.622528](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)start fSyncProcess
 @1,028,167us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8dc] - VIDENC_process> Enter (handle=0x77c18, inBufs=0xaeb6fb38, outBufs=0xaeb6fb2c, inArgs=0xaeb6fb44, outArgs=0xaeb6f990)
 @1,028,472us: [+5 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f874] CV - VISA_allocMsg> Allocating message for messageId=0x00020007
 @1,028,747us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be5e000, size=122880)
 @1,028,991us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be5e000, size=122880)
 @1,029,205us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> found in cb(Sc=0x3be5e000, Ec=0x3be7c000, Ss=0x3be5e000, Es=0x3be7c000, PSc=0x9c9ac000)
 @1,029,540us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> returning physAddr=0x9c9ac000
 @1,029,785us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress> return (0x9c9ac000)
 @1,030,029us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be7e000, size=122880)
 @1,030,303us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be7e000, size=122880)
 @1,030,548us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> found in cb(Sc=0x3be7e000, Ec=0x3be9c000, Ss=0x3be7e000, Es=0x3be9c000, PSc=0x9c9cc000)
 @1,030,822us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getPhysicalAddress> returning physAddr=0x9c9cc000
 @1,031,036us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferPhysicalAddress> return (0x9c9cc000)
 @1,031,310us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f87c] CV - VISA_call(visa=0x77c18, msg=0x3bdee880): messageId=0x00020007, command=0x0
 @1,031,555us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x2, msg=0x3bdee880)
 @1,031,860us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @1,032,073us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f83c] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10001, msg=0xaeb6f914, timeout=-1)
 @1,651,702us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f83c] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @1,652,008us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f7cc] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @1,652,343us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f7cc] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @1,652,648us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f7c4] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6f884, timeout=-1)
 @1,653,015us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f7c4] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 [DSP] @0,327,613tk: [+5 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03ed4] CN - NODE> 0x9ea015e0(codec_demo#0) call(algHandle=0x9ea01698, msg=0x9fa04880); messageId=0x00020007
 [DSP] @0,327,719tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheInv> Enter(addr=0x9c9ac000, sizeInBytes=122880)
 [DSP] @0,327,928tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheInv> return
 [DSP] @0,327,981tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheInv> Enter(addr=0x9c9cc000, sizeInBytes=122880)
 [DSP] @0,328,189tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheInv> return
 [DSP] @0,328,243tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e3c] - VIDENC_process> Enter (handle=0x9ea01698, inBufs=0x9ea03ee4, outBufs=0x9ea03ef0, inArgs=0x9fa049b8, outArgs=0x9fa049bc)
 [DSP] @0,328,374tk: [+5 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e1c] CV - VISA_enter(visa=0x9ea01698): algHandle = 0x9ea016c8
 [DSP] @0,328,447tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_activate> Enter(alg=0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @0,328,528tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dcc] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_activate(0x9ca00708)
 [DSP] @0,328,599tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_activate> Exit
 [DSP] @0,328,672tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_process(0x9ca00708, 0x9ea03ee4, 0x9ea03ef0, 0x9fa049b8, 0x9fa049bc)
 [DSP] @0,328,786tk: [+2 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_process> calc_16x16fft (init) 122880 bytes.
 [DSP] @1,197,946tk: [+2 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_process> calc_16x16fft (end) 122880 bytes.
 [DSP] @1,198,064tk: [+5 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e1c] CV - VISA_exit(visa=0x9ea01698): algHandle = 0x9ea016c8
 [DSP] @1,198,146tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_deactivate> Enter(alg=0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @1,198,234tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03dfc] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_deactivate> Exit
 [DSP] @1,198,305tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e3c] - VIDENC_process> Exit (handle=0x9ea01698, retVal=0x0)
 [DSP] @1,198,399tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheWb> Enter(addr=0x9c9cc000, sizeInBytes=122880)
 [DSP] @1,198,836tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03e74] OM - Memory_cacheWb> return
 [DSP] @1,198,891tk: [+5 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03ed4] CN - NODE> returned from call(algHandle=0x9ea01698, msg=0x9fa04880); messageId=0x00020007
 [DSP] @1,200,226tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 5
 [DSP] @1,200,297tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - remote time = 0x0, trace buffer size = 4032
 @1,660,400us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f7fc] CE - Engine_fwriteTrace> returning count [2602]
 @1,660,766us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f87c] CV - VISA_call Completed: messageId=0x00020007, command=0x0, return(status=0)
 @1,661,041us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferVirtualAddress> Enter(physAddr=0x9c9cc000, size=122880)
 @1,661,315us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getVirtualAddress> Enter(physAddr=0x9c9cc000, size=122880)
 @1,661,590us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getVirtualAddress> found in cb(Sc=0x9c9cc000, Ec=0x9c9ea000, Ss=0x9c9cc000, Es=0x9c9ea000)
 @1,661,865us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory__getVirtualAddress> returning virtAddr=0x3be7e000
 @1,662,170us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f844] OM - Memory_getBufferVirtualAddress> return (0x3be7e000)
 @1,662,383us: [+5 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f854] CV - VISA_freeMsg(0x77c18, 0x3bdee880): Freeing message with messageId=0x00020007
 @1,662,628us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6f8dc] - VIDENC_process> Exit (handle=0x77c18, retVal=0x0)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.257812](TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)end fSyncProcess
 @1,663,330us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OM - Memory_contigFree> Enter(addr=1004920832, size=122880)
 @1,663,909us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be5e000, size=122880)
 @1,664,184us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> removing cb->phys=0x9c9ac000, cb->size=0x1e000, cb->virt=0x3be5e000
 @1,664,428us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x9bd18, 0x10)
 @1,664,672us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,664,825us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OM - Memory_contigFree> return (0x1)
 @1,665,008us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OM - Memory_contigFree> Enter(addr=1005051904, size=122880)
 @1,665,466us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> Enter(virtAddr=0x3be7e000, size=122880)
 @1,665,649us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa8c] OM - Memory__removeContigBuf> removing cb->phys=0x9c9cc000, cb->size=0x1e000, cb->virt=0x3be7e000
 @1,665,954us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x9bd30, 0x10)
 @1,666,137us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,666,320us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OM - Memory_contigFree> return (0x1)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.261444](TApplication:I_Terminate) -- Terminate ((TIGEP_dsp_fft16x16:I_Execute)Terminated.)--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.262512](TApplication:Exception)Finalize user objects
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.262970](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <Object0> priority: <5000>--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.263763](TApplication:FinalizeUserObjects) -- Finalize Object: Object0 [OK]--
 @1,669,342us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb0c] - VIDENC_delete> Enter (handle=0x77c18)
 @1,669,586us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fae4] CV - VISA_delete(0x77c18)
 @1,669,952us: [+5 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fae4] CV - VISA_delete> deleting codec (localQueue=0x10001, remoteQueue=0x2)
 @1,670,196us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x2, msg=0x3bdee880)
 @1,670,440us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fab4] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @1,670,806us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fabc] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10001, msg=0x77c88, timeout=-1)
 @1,671,050us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fabc] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @1,671,295us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] CE - Engine_deleteNode(0x77c50)
 @1,671,508us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @1,671,752us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @1,671,966us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6fb14, timeout=-1)
 @1,673,217us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa74] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 @1,673,461us: [+5 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] CE - Engine_deleteNode(0x77c50): algName = codec_demo, algHandle = 0x9ea01698, stack size = 9216, stack used = 803(9%)
 @1,673,736us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa84] OC - Comm_delete> Enter (comm=0x77c78)
 @1,678,863us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77c78, 0x4)
 @1,679,351us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,679,595us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa94] OC - Comm_delete> return
 @1,679,809us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77c50, 0x20)
 @1,680,023us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa7c] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,680,236us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OC - Comm_free> Enter (msg=0x3bdee880)
 @1,680,480us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OC - Comm_free> return (0)
 @1,680,694us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fac4] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77c88, 0x4)
 @1,680,908us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fac4] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,681,121us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fac4] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77c18, 0x30)
 @1,681,335us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fac4] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,681,671us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] - VIDENC_delete> return
 @1,681,854us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] CE - Engine_close(0x777a8)
 @1,682,037us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OC - Comm_put> Enter(queue=0x0, msg=0x3bded880)
 @1,682,250us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa6c] OC - Comm_put> return (0)
 @1,682,495us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OC - Comm_get> Enter(queue=0x10000, msg=0xaeb6fb24, timeout=-1)
 @1,682,708us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa64] OC - Comm_get> MSGQ_get() status=0x8000, return (0)
 [DSP] @1,225,686tk: [+0 T:0x9ea01b14 S:0x9ea03ed4] CN - NODE_EXECFXN(0x9ea015e0): codec_demo#0 exiting per request ...
 [DSP] @1,227,487tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 2
 [DSP] @1,227,824tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a7c] CN - NODE_delete(0x9ea015e0): codec_demo#0
 [DSP] @1,227,903tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a5c] - VIDENC_delete> Enter (handle=0x9ea01698)
 [DSP] @1,227,976tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a2c] CV - VISA_delete(0x9ea01698)
 [DSP] @1,228,040tk: [+5 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a2c] CV - VISA_delete> deleting codec (localQueue=0xffff, remoteQueue=0xffff)
 [DSP] @1,228,116tk: [+5 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a2c] CV - VISA_delete> deleting codec 0x9ea016c8
 [DSP] @1,228,180tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a0c] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_delete> Enter(alg=0x9ea016c8)
 [DSP] @1,228,268tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009c4] IGEP_Dsp.codecs.codec_demo - CODEC_DEMO_dmaGetChannels(0x9ca00708, 0x9ca00710)
 [DSP] @1,228,402tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009dc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea016c8, size=16)
 [DSP] @1,228,472tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009dc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,228,525tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a0c] ti.sdo.ce.alg.Algorithm - Algorithm_delete> Exit
 [DSP] @1,228,588tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009fc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea01698, size=48)
 [DSP] @1,228,654tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea009fc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,228,708tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a5c] - VIDENC_delete> return
 [DSP] @1,228,771tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a44] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea01600, size=36)
 [DSP] @1,228,839tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a44] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,228,893tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a4c] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea015e0, size=32)
 [DSP] @1,228,960tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a4c] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,229,015tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a6c] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea015d0, size=13)
 [DSP] @1,229,081tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a6c] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,229,134tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a6c] OM - Memory_free> Enter(addr=0x9ea015b8, size=24)
 [DSP] @1,229,201tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00a6c] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 [DSP] @1,242,265tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - processRmsCmd(0x9fa038a8, 4056): cmd = 5
 [DSP] @1,242,334tk: [+0 T:0x9ea0030c S:0x9ea00ac4] CR - remote time = 0x0, trace buffer size = 4032
 @1,690,338us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fa9c] CE - Engine_fwriteTrace> returning count [2466]
 @1,690,551us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OC - Comm_free> Enter (msg=0x3bded880)
 @1,690,795us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OC - Comm_free> return (0)
 @1,691,070us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OC - Comm_delete> Enter (comm=0x77bb8)
 @1,696,136us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77bb8, 0x4)
 @1,696,624us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,696,868us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] OC - Comm_delete> return
 @1,697,296us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OC - Comm_release> Enter(queue=0x0)
 @1,697,540us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OC - Comm_release> return (0)
 @1,697,753us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] CE - rserverClose(0x3addca8c), count = 1
 @1,698,028us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OP - Processor_delete> Enter(proc=0x777d8)
 @1,698,272us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] OP - doCmd> Enter (cmdId=2, proc=0x777d8)
 @1,698,486us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fabc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @1,698,791us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] status[0]
 @1,698,852us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Exit (result=2)
 @1,698,883us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Enter (proc=0x777d8)
 @1,698,944us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_disconnect> Enter (handle=0x77800)
 @1,698,974us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_disconnect> Calling LPM_disconnect to disconnect from the DSP power handler...
 @1,699,768us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_disconnect> return (0)
 @1,699,890us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Closing remote transport...
 @1,702,819us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Stopping DSP...
 @1,702,972us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Closing pool...
 @1,703,155us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Detaching from DSP...
 @1,739,929us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @1,740,417us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @1,760,162us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd2c] OP - Processor_delete_d> Destroying DSP... (object, that is)
 @1,775,604us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_off> Enter (handle=0x77800)
 @1,776,061us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_off> Turning off DSP power...
 @1,776,519us: [+2 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_off> Closing Local Power Manager object...
 @1,776,794us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd14] ti.sdo.ce.ipc.Power - Power_off> return (0)
 @1,777,038us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd0c] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77838, 0x0)
 @1,777,313us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd0c] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,777,526us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - Processor_delete_d> return
 @1,777,801us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd34] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77458]
 @1,778,076us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faac] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] status[0]
 @1,778,137us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] OP - doCmd> Exit (result=1)
 @1,778,198us: [+1 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OP - Processor_delete(0x777d8) freeing object ...
 @1,778,228us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x777d8, 0x24)
 @1,778,259us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,778,350us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] OP - Processor_delete> return.
 @1,778,381us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] CE - rserverClose(0x3addca8c) done.
 @1,778,411us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x777a8, 0x2c)
 @1,778,442us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb04] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,778,472us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> enter
 @1,778,503us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3ada6994()...
 @1,778,564us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3ada7fb8()...
 @1,778,594us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3ada9cd8()...
 @1,778,625us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x776e8, 0x18)
 @1,778,686us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,778,717us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77708, 0x18)
 @1,778,747us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,778,778us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77728, 0x18)
 @1,778,808us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,778,839us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb28a0()...
 @1,778,900us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adac844()...
 @1,778,930us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adad418()...
 @1,778,961us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb0074()...
 @1,778,991us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adad7cc()...
 @1,779,052us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OP - doCmd> Enter (cmdId=3, proc=0x0)
 @1,779,083us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fadc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @1,779,113us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_post> sem[0x77440]
 @1,779,144us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @1,780,151us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_post> sem[0x77458]
 @1,780,395us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Enter (proc=0x3b5dcdd8)
 @1,780,609us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] timeout[0xffffffff]
 @1,780,944us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd24] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77440] status[0]
 @1,781,188us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd44] OP - getCmd_d> Exit (result=3)
 @1,781,433us: [+0 T:0x3b5dd490 S:0x3b5dcd34] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_post> sem[0x77458]
 @1,781,677us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6facc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_pend> sem[0x77458] status[0]
 @1,781,707us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OP - doCmd> Exit (result=1)
 @1,781,799us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OT - Thread_delete> Enter (task=0x77490)
 @1,782,043us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OT - Thread_delete> pthread_cancel (0x0)
 @1,782,775us: [+4 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faf4] OT - Thread_delete> pthread_join (0x0)
 @1,782,836us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77490, 0x64)
 @1,782,928us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fad4] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,782,989us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb0c] OT - Thread_delete> Exit (task=0x77490)
 @1,783,019us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fafc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_delete> sem[0x77440]
 @1,783,050us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fadc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77440, 0x14)
 @1,783,111us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fadc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,783,142us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb0c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_delete>
 @1,783,172us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fafc] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Entered Sem_delete> sem[0x77458]
 @1,783,203us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fadc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77458, 0x14)
 @1,783,233us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fadc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,783,264us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb0c] ti.sdo.ce.osal.Sem - Leaving Sem_delete>
 @1,783,294us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77470, 0x18)
 @1,783,355us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,783,386us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adaf2c0()...
 @1,783,416us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb23b0()...
 @1,783,447us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adafba4()...
 @1,783,477us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fafc] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x773c0, 0x18)
 @1,783,508us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fafc] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,783,569us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb0c7c()...
 @1,783,691us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> Enter(0x77370, 0x18)
 @1,783,721us: [+0 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6faec] OM - Memory_free> return (0x1)
 @1,783,752us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb2d4c()...
 @1,783,782us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb3900()...
 @1,783,813us: [+2 T:0x3aacbb60 S:0xaeb6fb1c] OG - Global_exit> calling function *0x3adb2cac()...
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.379059](TApplication:FinalizeUserObjects) -- Finalize Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.379211](TApplication:Exception)Finalize system objects
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.379364](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <TTimerController> priority: <300>--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.379547](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][INFO][0001.379730](__dll_Finalize:Finalize)LibIgep_cEngine Version: Build: 1 (c) ISEE (Integration Software & Electronics Engineering - 2007)
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.379852](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.380005](TApplication:I_UnRegister_Executable_Object)UnRegister Executable Object <TAppEvent> priority: <100>--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.380157](TApplication:FinalizeSystemObjects) -- Finalize Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.380279](TApplication:Exception)Destroy User objects
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.382568](TApplication:DestroyUserObjects) -- Destroy Object: Object0 [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.382782](TApplication:DestroyUserObjects) -- Destroy Object: TIGEP_CodecEngine [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.382934](TApplication:Exception)Destroy system objects
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.383056](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TTimerController [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.385132](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TDllServer [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.385315](TApplication:DestroySystemObjects) -- Destroy Object: TAppEvent [OK]--
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.385467](TApplication:Exception)Finalize TApplication
 [igep_core][1328][DEBUG][0001.386474](MAIN)Application Free Resources

This demo calculate the 16bits fft over 30720 samples.
You can modify the number of samples using the configuration file: igep.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
                   <dll name="./"/>

You can mofidy factor variable (the max permited value is 14) if you up this value the DSP must be reconfigured for use more memory (heap, stack).

This is the execution flow:

  1. ARM load's from file 2048 samples and add 28682 samples for do the calculation.
  2. ARM prepare the inBuffer and OutBuffer for the transfer.
  3. ARM Copy all samples in shared memory.
  4. DSP Calc the 30720 fft coeficients for do the calculation
  5. DSP Calc the fft16.
  6. DSP Return the result as 16 bits RE + 16 bits Im.
  7. ARM Receive the fft calculation.

How to compile

We provided the Codeblocks workspace file.

Open CodeBlocks (included in our VMware Image) and load the file: demo.workspace installed in the root of IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00 (../workspace/igep_codec_engine/IGEP_CE_Platform_1_00)

Inside you can see all 5 modules:

  • igep_core (main executable and service provider)
  • igep_cEngine (CE interaface library and fft demo)
  • CE_subsystem (Codec Engine internal interfce)
  • codec_demo (fft16 codec demo)
  • demo_server (demo server with codec_demo included)

You can compile with code blocks all packages using the build command.

(NOTE: for compile igep_core you need some packages such: pthread, z, expat, dl libraries that it must be installed before compile igep_core).

About IGEP Core

IGEP Core provides a application framework that includes, thread management, tcp/ip communications, parsers, generic functions, crc, dynamic loading (plugins), event handling, timers ...